A gem dealer's journal — tiancheng
A Gem Dealer's Journal: The birth of a jewellery brand: Young’s Creation
A gem dealer's journal Asia Lounges auction blog branding color type creations gem gemological laboratory gems gemstome Gemstone interview introduction to gemology jewellery jewelry lotus gemology Natural Gems one of a kind origin Simon Dussart sotheby's Stewart Young tiancheng treatment
Hey Loungers, Here comes the second part of our interview with Stewart Young. After exploring the world of auction houses with him in the first part of this interview we are discussing today the rise of his brand. How is a jewellery brand created, what makes its DNA attractive to customers and what makes for a successful business in our trade. Without any further delay I give you today’s guest: Mr. Stewart Young! Here is Stewart Young featuring a lovely Fairy Brooch - Photo Credit: Tiancheng International AsiaLounges: Hi Stewart and thank you for being with us again today....
A gem dealer’s journal: Dive in the life of an auction master with Stewart Young
A Gem dealers journal Asia Lounges auction Billie Hughes blog burma color color type creations garnet gem gems gemstome Gemstone gift interview jewellery jewelry lotus gemology Natural Gems origin ruby sapphire Simon Dussart sotheby's SSEF Stewart Young tiancheng treatment
Hey Loungers,
Today we’ll be welcoming in our column for the first part of a twin interview Mr. Stewart Young.
Stewart has been working for some of the most famous auction houses in the world and has more recently been at the helm of the rise of Hong Kong’s fastest rising auction house: Tiancheng International.
Today, Stewart is at the helm of his very own high jewellery brand but that will be a story we’ll be discussing in part two of this interview so stay tuned to learn more about it.
Without any further delays we give today’s guest: Stewart Young!