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Introduction to Aquamarines: The mermaids' treasured gem

aigs aquamarine ArjunaIrsuttiPhotography Asia Lounges blog brazil color gem gemstome Gemstone introduction to gemology Jeffery L Bergman madagascar Natural Gems origin Photography Simon Dussart SSEF vietnam

Hey Lounges, 

Today Jeffery "Master" Bergman is taking us through the legendary Mermaids' treasured gems: the Aquamarine, read on!

A stunning example of a deeply saturated Brazilian "Santa Maria" blue Aquamarine

A stunning example of a deeply saturated Brazilian "Santa Maria" blue Aquamarine

Aquamarine derives its name from the ancient Latin word for "sea water" which depicts its lovely pale to medium blue color shades. Commonly referred to by its nickname Aqua, it is often found with a slight to strong greenish tint. A member of the beryl family, aquamarine is a close cousin to the revered emerald.


Old legends said that aquamarine is the treasure of mermaids, with the power to keep sailors safe at sea. Aquamarine is said to be a particularly strong charm when immersed in water (which is a good thing, since that is when sailors need its power most!).

A prime example of Madagascar's finest aquamarine that you may discover here.

Aquamarine was also said to have a soothing influence on land, especially on married couples. Its power to help husbands and wives work out their differences and ensure a long and happy marriage makes it a good anniversary gift, while dreaming of aquamarine is said to mean that you will soon be meeting new friends.

A fine example of a gifted aquamarine from a loving husband to his better half

Here is a prime example of a gift of aquamarine by a loving husband to his better half. 

Aquamarine is found in Brazil, Zambia, Russia, Madagascar, Nigeria, USA and many other countries. Aquamarine is always a pastel blue but the darker the color, the more valuable it becomes Connoisseurs mostly prefer a pure blue, with no green in it since stones with a greenish tinge are less expensive.


Aquamarine, unlike emerald, is often found in very large flawless crystals. It is not uncommon to see clean cut gems of over 100 carats, and many examples of over 1,000 carats can be found in museums and private collections around the world. One of the largest crystals ever found came from Lavra Papamel in Brazil, and weighed in at an extraordinary110 kilograms.


A prime example of 1 carat Brazilian saturated blue "Santa Maria" Aquamarine

Since it is a member of the beryl family, aquamarine is frequently found in hexagonal crystals which most often lend themselves to cutting rectangular or octagonal shaped gems. This is why you generally see aquamarine in the classic Emerald cut.


A prime example of a rare full bodied emerald cut "Santa Maria" blue Aquamarine

Because the color is usually pale, aquamarine should have a good clarity and be of some size for the color to be sufficiently intense to produce a good colored stone. Only very rarely does aquamarine come in small sizes with good color saturation.


Aquamarines under 5.00 carats with a strong blue color saturation are extremely rare and at the top of the price range for this time honored gem. The true connoisseur or serious collector will look for the deepest color possible in a clean and well cut stone. Owning such a gem will bring you a lifetime of pride and pleasure.


See you in the Lounges,


©Jeffery L Bergman, SSEF SGC

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